Friday, June 10, 2005
This blog relates to the Repstrap project. The Repstrap project is related to the RepRap project and aims to build a boot-strapping system with sufficient capability to produce the parts needed to build a seed RepRap machine.
For those such as myself that are not lucky enough to have access to a rapid prototyping machine this will hopefully provide a means of getting involved in practical development with RepRap at an earlier stage.
- Should be able to produce reprap parts at similar levels of accuracy.
- Should be possible to construct with low cost and off-the-shelf parts.
- Should use similar principles to reprap so that any software produced can be re-used in some way for the reprap project.
- Does not need to be built to last (once reprap parts are produced, it is no longer needed).
- Should only need low cost, simple and readily available tools.